How to influence a senior audience

I'd like you to imagine that you get asked to speak in front of senior leaders.
The big deal, the top dogs.
The "scary hairies" (as we call them).
What's your first thought?
Well, after "oh s**t",
Most people's brains start to think,
What am I going to say?
How am I going to make a good impression?
What am I going to wear?!
Then, you start gathering your points, building your slide deck, and picking your outfit.
Writing your it from your perspective is the biggest mistake you can make when building a presentation.
You think about yourself and your ego. You see the spotlight shining on you, and you build the presentation from your perspective.
Why is writing it from your perspective the biggest mistake?
Well, when we tear ahead with a presentation written from our perspective, it is relevant to us, not our audience.
We talk too much about our facts, background information and detail.
The hard truth is that when we create a presentation like this, the audience doesn't care.
Just because it is important to you doesn't mean it is important to them.
So, let's flip this on its head.
You are about to present to a group of very busy, very senior people.
Who should the presentation be about?
Yes, the entire presentation should be about them, not about you.
That should feel like a good thing.
You're helping others; you're shining the spotlight on them.
Think about it; this is a huge mindset shift that completely changes the content and structure of your presentation.
And it applies to every single presentation you deliver.
Sales presentations
Gaining buy-in for an idea
Project updates
Yes, even interviews
Think about all the presentations you have done in your life.
Who were they about? You and your ideas?
Time to make some changes!
So this week, before you start to speak, take a minute and think.
How can I talk about them and their big-picture goals?
How can I include only the information that will get them excited?
How can I position my point from their perspective, not mine?
Find that delete button on your computer and start hitting it with vigour.
Get rid of all that stuff about you.
And your influence and engagement will skyrocket.
PS we have a new free bundle "Speaking to Senior Leaders"- click for more info!
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